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Friends of Woods Creek

An Initiative of Rockbridge Conservation to protect, enhance, and promote Woods Creek and Trail.


Background: Woods Creek’s water quality and its trail have been deteriorating, there is erosion along the creek banks, and invasive plants were taking over in the urban areas of the park. To address these concerns, Friends of Woods Creek formed as a new initiative of Rockbridge Conservation. Friends of Woods Creek members are identifying areas along the creek that need restoration. We are working with the City of Lexington and other organizations to make plans to correct problem areas.

Steering Committee: Our steering committee has oversight of the initiative’s four project areas. They send out monthly email updates summarizing the initiative’s Project Area activities. At least one of our steering committee member attends each focus area meeting.

Steering Committee members are: David Agnor, Betty Besal, Chris Wise, Sandra Stuart.

Four Project Areas:

Trail: involved with removal of invasive plants, planting native plants in the riparian buffer zone, and promoting recreational opportunities along the trail.

Watershed: water monitoring quality, working with Lexington Golf and Country Club’s representatives to green the golf course, addressing issues around the Woods Creek dam’s impact on safety, water quality, and wildlife habitat.

Outreach & Education: signage, community outreach, neighbor communications, website design and content, social media

Grants: apply for grants to support activities of the initiative

Want to learn more or volunteer? Get in touch with us!

    Frequently asked questions

    Below are a few FAQs about this project. Click the plus sign to see the answers.

    For information about when FOWC meets, please contact Sandra Stuart at

    Get Involved: Plans are being made to address trail and creek problems each month. If you are interested in joining the discussions, getting involved in restoration projects, or have any questions, please contact Sandra Stuart at

    Steering Committee members are: David Agnor, Betty Besal, Chris Wise, Sandra Stuart.

    Friends of Woods Creek is one of RC’s newest initiatives. So far they have removed invasive plants from the banks of Woods Creek and have implemented a planting of native plants. They are working with local officials and adjacent property owners to protect the Creek.

    No! Although we encourage all of our committee volunteers to become members. Committee leadership must be members of Rockbridge Conservation.

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