Join RC this Tuesday, November 19th as we co-host this event with partners VCN, Potomac…
27th nearly-Annual Rockbridge Area Community Clean Up Saturday, March 19 – Sunday, March 27, 2022
Get your group together and sign up to participate in the clean-up this year! Sign-up form is below.
RACC, Rockbridge County and VDOT are enlisting the efforts of organizations and groups, students, families, and individual volunteers to help beautify our Rockbridge home. In an effort to raise additional awareness to litter issues in our community the Annual Rockbridge Area Community Cleanup will once again include the Litter Challenge! The group collecting the greatest number of bags wins the Litter Cup created by Mark Cline (see above).
Last year, the Litter cup went to the the Litter Eliminators, who collected over a hundred bags.
Can you gather the winning team this year? Participate in the Litter Challenge during the Annual Community Cleanup Week to see if you can take the Litter Cup from The Litter Eliminators.
Contest rules are listed below.
- If you have an on-going cleanup project such as Adopt-a-Highway, we encourage you to share in the spirit by doing your work during the community clean up period..
- You may design your own project (such as picking up trash along county roads or city streets, cleaning up a park or trail, or hauling items out of a roadside dump).
- Or, if you wish, we will suggest a job from our list of areas in need of cleaning up. Check the map to see if people have suggestions.
Litter Challenge Rules:
- The Litter Challenge is open to any Rockbridge County, Lexington City and Buena Vista City club, organization, business, school, family, or individual(s).
- Please provide a team name if you are participating in the Litter Challenge. Each team must sign up with RACC and designate a roadway or project.
- Each team must have a list of team members and roadways cleaned. Teams will submit photos of each full bag of trash, tires and/or debris collected. Photos must be sent to or a collage on poster board can be dropped off at the RACC office (above Wells Fargo) or the Community Development Office, 150 S. Main Street, Lexington, VA 24450. Please submit your documentation by Friday, April 2, 2021 to be considered.
- Participants will be judged on the number of bags of trash collected on the County and City roadways. Judges will determine the winning team based on the photo documentation presented to them. Note: RACC and the County of Rockbridge reserve the right to use any photo documentation from the Litter Challenge in educational and press materials.
- The winning team will be presented with the Litter Cup, and will maintain possession of the Cup until the next Community Cleanup event.
Supplies: On or about Friday, March 11, orange bags and safety vests will be available at the following locations:
- Adopt-a-Highway groups:VDOT office
- Everyone else: Any County Recycling Center or any Rockbridge Regional Library in-county branch.
- After the clean-up, please return orange vests and leftover bags to the recycling center, library or the RACC office within two weeks following the event. The vests are expensive and must be re-used.
Help us get the word out! Print out this flyer and post it at your work, church or neighborhood store, or email the flyer your friends. Thank you!
Cleanup Tips: VDOT will collect orange trash bags left along the roadside.You may leave large items for disposal (tires, wire, etc.) next to orange bags. If you work in an area inaccessible to VDOT trucks, please move bags to the nearest roadway. Recycling, if collected, clean, and separated, must be delivered to a County Recycling Center.
A Note of Caution: Interstate on-ramps and off-ramps are “off-limits” per VDOT due to safety concerns. Cleanup participants are advised to wear gloves and orange safety vests, work facing traffic, and be very careful on busy roads.Large CAUTION signs are available from VDOT. Volunteers assume responsibility for their own safety and supervision; no other agency (RACC, VDOT, local governments, etc.) can assume liability for any damage, injury, or loss to any person from any cause.
*Different dates are OK: You are welcome to choose a different date, or postpone due to weather, but if picking up on an alternate date, please alert Clean Up volunteers at to arrange bag pick-up by VDOT.
Please sign up for your section of roadway prior to the event
Sign up Form — Rockbridge Area Clean Up
Check the map below to see where projects are needed and others have signed up. The cleanup coordinator will put your group/location on the map after you sign up.
Check the map below to see where projects are needed and others have signed up. The cleanup coordinator will put your group/location on the map after you sign up.